Now this would have to be my absolute favourite quilt fabric, I am so glad that I bought it :) It's definitely going to be a quilt for ME! Although my daughter pointed out that since I have so much I might be a nice person and share some with her. I'm thinking that I'm actually a mean person ;)
The colours are stunning, so bright and summery and juicy! I especially love the vintage cherries, they are going to be the backing for the quilt.
I just can't stop stroking and admiring and loving these fabrics LOL.
My daughter finds them irresistable as well.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this quilt. I want to show off the fabric as much as possible, so no little tiny bits. And I would like to incorporate some panels of plain fabric that I can embroider on as well. I'm really enjoying planning this quilt, every day I am inspired by something that I think I must include in the quilt. I think I'll let this one simmer away in my brain until after Christmas.