Wednesday, 6 August 2008

I'm still here...

I know it's been a squillion years since my last post, but I just haven't had anything worth putting on here! I've started so many things and I haven't actually finished anything much, I didn't really want to put works in progress pics up since that reminds me of how many wip's I have :) I've also started work again which has seriously interfered with my crafting time...

I have taken some photos of some knitting I've finished, and also a lovely messenger bag that I'm very proud of. I've just started a new quilt - actually it's an old one that I've just started sewing on after having cut out all the pieces months ago. I've discovered that my fabric tastes have changed considerably since buying the fabric for this quilt, but the design is so pretty that I'm going to persevere. I've also discovered that my sewing skills are improving and I'm much happier with how my seams match up etc. I'm now looking at some Ottobre patterns for my kids, as I just love their designs so much better than the average pattern you can buy in Spotlight etc. I also want to make some more bags, and buy some quilt fabric to make a throw quilt for myself.

Did I say I already had lots of wip's??????


Lily Mulholland said...

LOL - lots of wips means lots of choice! Funny how our fabric 'tastes' change.

I bet you're smarter than mean and already know that you have to add the seam allowance when cutting out fabric from Ottobre patterns!

Lily Mulholland said...

Ooops, that was meant to be 'smarter than me' not 'mean'!!